Be A Man.

ddmSuits by Dent De Man. “This collection is taken from a selection of rare authentic vintage 70’s african print material, and offers the chance to truly own unique and desirable pieces”. I would say it’ll take a lot for some men to carry this one off, but the outcome is nothing less than awesome. Take a chance. Be a Man. Do the right thing.

MaXhosa Knitwear

Laduma Ngxokolo of MaXhosa Knitwear, showcased his work as part of London fashion Week 2011. His knitwear was showcased in collaboration with jewelry-beadwork from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum. The knitwear is inspired by the Xhosa culture and the male initiation ceremony, where boys transition into manhood.

I strongly believe that he is going to make it happen for him, so long as he stay true to his belief and in educating people about South Africa’s culture through his works of art.

He was one of the South african designers featured as part of the Ubuntu International project. Ubuntu International promotes and exports South African contemporary fashion.

Image Credits : MaXhosa Knitwear